Karen Berry Real Estate School
Making Real Estate a BRES **PLEASE only click registration button once or you may be charged twice. It may take a few minutes to complete registration.

GENeral UPdate ZOOM

The General Update Course is a 4 hour course that must be completed by all provisional brokers and non-BIC brokers annually in order to maintain their license on an active status. This course must be completed by June 10th of each running year. The topic each year will vary. Course topics cover are decided by the NCREC.  Feel free to contact Karen for this year’s specific topics.

You will be emailed Zoom Class instructions within 24 hours of start class time. Be sure to add us as a contract or check spam for delivered emails.


Date and Time:

Begin: 07/02/2024 @ 01.00 PM
End: 07/02/2024 @ 05.00 PM


Karen Berry




The details:

This is the annual update for Brokers provisional and nonprovisional (not Bic's).  You will receive a PDF of the booklet and Zoom invite within 24 hours of class start time.  We also need to see your 2024 pocket card. You can simply show it to us the day of class.  Please sign into class 20 minutes early in case of technical issues. Once you sign in, you may then darken your screen and step away. You can turn your screen back on at the beginning of scheduled class time.  No multi-tasking while in class. Students' actions and appearance need to be the same as if they were in the classroom. Absolutely no driving. See you soon. 

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